Mad Tunes mixes
Mad Tunes
I collect Eastern European and Russian records. As a vinyl digger I've amassed a fine collection over the past 20 years. I love rummaging through fusty boxes in second-hand record shops and flea markets all over the world - in cities full of people eager to join the mp3 revolution by off-loading their record collections.
As a DJ I boldly play tunes no one else dares, or even heard of. And boldly plays tunes I can't even pronounce! Combune them with my love of eclectic electric tunes it ends up all a bit anarchic. Such rich pickings for a vinyl collector! I love the search, the anticipation of finding something unusual, a tune to fire me up, or a tune that makes me fall about laughing or fall in love. I buy them without listening to them, intrigued by the covers, the languages I can't understand and relishing the enjoyment of getting them home and putting them on the turntable. There are many atrocious tunes discovered in this manner along with some absolute gems!